Brand identity development
Strong brands make a powerful emotional connection with their market. Learn how by understanding your buyer psychology, measuring your brand’s impact using modern data tools and creating messaging that inspires your market.
Brand Inspiration
Great brands make an emotional connection with their buyers and inspire them to take action.
People no longer trust company-sponsored advertisements. Your buyers want to know what you stand for. Your brand inspiration is the foundation of your brand strategy.
We’ll introduce you to the new field of behavioral economics to learn about the irrationalities of human behavior and how you can leverage these new learning, along with proven brand research, to define your brand’s beliefs and inspire the people with the same beliefs – within your company and in the marketplace.
Brand Differentiation
Without differentiation, you’re selling a commodity and have to compete on price – or your brand will stagnate or die.
Some brands are able to create competitive advantages through differentiation, even though their product or service alone is the same as, or possibly inferior to, the majority of the other options available in the marketplace.
We’ll help you to learn the nuances of brand differentiation to understand how to uncover the strengths of your brand as part of your brand strategy. After analyzing your strengths, you’ll learn how to communicate them using specific criteria which can turn them into competitive advantages in the mind of your buyer.
Brand Positioning
Positioning, or owning a space in the mind of your buyer, is very important today.
We’re in the middle of communication revolution, created by technology, but driven by human behavior. So much information appears around us every second. We position everything we encounter that is new, and rarely change that perception after our initial decision.
Our company has leveraged brand positioning for years, but this approach still new to many early-career marketers and executives at small to mid-size companies. And we are ready to share our experience.

Brand Architecture
Your brand experience is shaped by your product or service, your creative, your logo, your messaging and how the people that represent your brand interact with your market and customers, including salespeople, customer service and support and the people performing services. Your brand is a perception, and that perception is reinforced every time you touch your market.
We will help you implement effective brand strategies are clearly understood and adhered to by everyone involved with acquiring and maintaining customers. We have already done this for many companies, that includes executives, the sales teams, the marketing teams, the customer service teams and hiring teams.
Brand Audit
If you’re creating a new brand, how do you ensure that you deliver a consistent experience across every market touchpoint?
If you’re managing an existing brand, you’re already creating a perception in the marketplace. How well does that represent your new brand strategy?
After you’ve defined your brand inspiration, brand differentiation, brand positioning and brand architecture – you have established measurement criteria to evaluate how well your existing messaging, campaigns and creative material represent your brand.
We offer your brand audit, or new brand checklist, provides a guide for creating a unified brand experience in the future.